[][src]Module connect6::agent

Agent for playing game with given policy

This module consists of two structures, Agent and AsyncAgent. Agent is implementation of loop based single policy agent. As we pass the policy, method play return the PlayResult consisted of winner and playing history (called path).

AsyncAgent is multi-thread based agent, playing multiple games asynchronously. It pass the policy generator and return the vector of PlayResult.


Play single game with single policy.

let mut policy = RandomPolicy::new();
let mut agent = Agent::new(&mut policy);

let result = agent.play();
println!("winner: {:?}", result.unwrap().winner);

Play multiple game asynchronously.

let policy_gen = || RandomPolicy::new();
let async_agent = AsyncAgent::debug(policy_gen);

let result = async_agent.run(4);
println!("ratio: {}", result.iter().map(|x| x.winner as i32).sum::<i32>());
assert_eq!(result.len(), 4);



Loop based single policy agent.


Agent for playing multiple games asynchronously.


Unit of playing history, turn, board and selected position.


Result of playing game, consists of winner and path (history of game).